Dumpster Sizes

If you are unsure of which dumpster size to rent, this guide will be of considerable value.

Compare the dimensions and sizes listed below in order to determine how Dumpster HQ Simpsonville can assist you with your waste removal undertaking.

our selection of dumpsters

Our Dumpster Rental Sizes

10 Yard Dumpster

If you have a small project, a 10-yard dumpster rental will suffice. This dumpster size is ideal for a variety of household debris removal projects, such as a do-it-yourself home renovation or a basic garage or attic cleanout.

You might as well rent this size dumpster if you’re just cleaning up a few rooms in your home.

What is the capacity of this 10-yard dumpster?

This 10-yard dumpster is capable of holding 10 cubic yards of debris. This quantity is equivalent to four pickup truck loads of debris.

This dumpster has approximate dimensions of 10 feet by 8 feet by 3.5 feet.

20 Yard Dumpster

The 20-yard dumpster is one of the most common dumpster sizes rented for residential and construction projects. It is ideal for projects of a moderate size.

Our 20-yard dumpsters are the most effective roll-off containers for outdoor construction debris. These are also suitable for extensive home renovations. They can be filled quickly and are large enough to accommodate the majority of trash removal needs.

What is the capacity of this 20-yard dumpster?

This 20-yard dumpster can accommodate 20 cubic yards of debris. This is the same as eight pickup truck loads of waste.

The dimensions are approximately 20 feet by 8 feet by 3.5 feet.

30 Yard Dumpster

Invest in a 30-yard dumpster if a smaller roll-off container is insufficient to meet the demands of your construction or demolition projects.

If you are working on a major building or construction project, Dumpster HQ Simpsonville can guarantee that you will receive one of these large dumpsters to help you complete your work.

What is the capacity of this 30-yard dumpster?

This 30-yard dumpster can accommodate 30 cubic yards of debris. This equates to 12 pickup truck loads of debris.

The dimensions are approximately 20 feet by 8 feet by 5.25 feet.

40 Yard Dumpster

This 40-yard dumpster is the optimal choice when you need to get rid of a tremendous amount of trash. This particular dumpster size is suitable for large-scale residential renovations, interior renovations, and roof replacements.

What is the capacity of this 40-yard dumpster?

This 40-yard dumpster can accommodate 40 cubic yards of debris. This amount of debris is equivalent to sixteen pickup truck loads.

The dimensions are approximately 20 feet by 8 feet by 7 feet.

  • No hassle easy dumpster rental
  • Customer friendly service
  • Serving the Simpsonville area
  • Fast delivery and pickup
  • Call (864) 399-1834 now!